The Conservatory in the Huntington Desert Garden is open only on Saturdays. Today was a cold day (by Southern California standards), so the warm Conservatory was a good place to linger.
Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty'

Nearly as silvery as 'Frosty', a Dyckia.

Tillandsia duratii

Many, many, many different Lithops.

Many, many, many...

Agyroderma delaetii (obviously!)
Masses of Mammilarias

Mammilaria humboldtii
A forest of smaller Euphorbias

The label on this plant had a question mark--not even the experts were sure?

What looked like a dried ball of dough sprouted a tiny vine.
Those are not fallen leaves on a rock. The leaves are sprouting from that caudex.

Now there's a gem I know, Agave albopilosa.

An Opuntia with nodes the size of your littlest fingernail

Tree Aloes loom outside the conservatory. Perhaps they wanted in to get warm.

Yes, those are cacti, not the tails of cats.

Obviously there were many more compelling reasons to linger there than the temperature.

Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty'
Nearly as silvery as 'Frosty', a Dyckia.
Tillandsia duratii
Many, many, many different Lithops.
Many, many, many...
Agyroderma delaetii (obviously!)
Masses of Mammilarias
Mammilaria humboldtii
A forest of smaller Euphorbias
The label on this plant had a question mark--not even the experts were sure?
What looked like a dried ball of dough sprouted a tiny vine.
Those are not fallen leaves on a rock. The leaves are sprouting from that caudex.
Now there's a gem I know, Agave albopilosa.
An Opuntia with nodes the size of your littlest fingernail
Tree Aloes loom outside the conservatory. Perhaps they wanted in to get warm.
Yes, those are cacti, not the tails of cats.
Obviously there were many more compelling reasons to linger there than the temperature.
A spiky lover can stay there for hours! Can't wait for Agave albopilosa to be more readily available...
ReplyDeleteMany fascinating plants. I hope you guys get to see it sometime soon.
DeleteOh what a place! There are so many gems in there but I do love the cats' tails! Lithops were very popular over here a few years ago. I might try some again now that I'm educated enough not to water everything to death.
ReplyDeleteI need to be at a higher level of skill before trying Lithops. error seems to be underwatering
DeleteSo many beautiful and unusual plants to see, there is quite a big variation in their shape, form and leaves.
ReplyDeletexoxoxo ♡
It's amazing what grows in the deserts of the world...they are not empty places.
DeleteI haven't been through the conservatory there in years. Clearly, I must get back! Great photos (as always) and now you have me coveting that Agave albopilosa too.
ReplyDeleteAs I learn more and more, the little gems in the conservatory are more and more interesting (along with everything outside the conservatory as well). Hope you get there soon! It's worth the drive.
DeleteThank you for posting so many photos from the Conservatory. I was there a week ago but didn't take many pictures inside. Their Agave albopilosa is fantastic. I'm hoping mine will form tufts like that soon.
ReplyDeleteThat one had great fluffy tufts. It was only about 5" wide, so maybe our little ones will develop them reasonably fast.
DeleteThe only time I've been to the Huntington and found the conservatory open it was jam-packed and you moved along when everyone else in the line decided to. Your visit looks to have had more of a real plant lovers pace to it. I love the photo of the tree aloes outside, wanting in.
ReplyDeleteWe went early, which helped. It takes hours to look at every plant--I think I missed a few.
DeleteI regret that we didn't get to see the conservatory. Thanks for sharing your visit.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your post on the Huntington also!
DeleteA compelling place (and post) for lovers of the weirdly wonderful.