Volunteer Tomato

Volunteer Tomato

I always pull out volunteer tomato seedlings, because they always turn out to be a bland cherry variety.  I left just one because it was in such a good spot for a tomato: backed by a warm stucco wall that will keep a heat-loving plant nice and warm, surrounded by nothing at all (plenty of space), and with a conveniently located sprinkler right adjacent.

Sprinkler head

It grew and looked just as good as the ones in the raised beds, if not a little better.  It figures!  Prep the soil, select the best varieties, plant carefully, water at the exact recommended intervals, and the purchased pampered plants are outdone by a random seed sprouting in plain dry native soil.

Volunteer tomato

It looked so healthy and vigorous, I assumed it would be a bland cherry variety. Nope!

Volunteer Tomato

Appears to be an heirloom of some kind--all the fruits are asymmetrical and somewhat lobed. 'Brandywine'? 'Black Krim'? 'Cherokee Purple'? They are all varieties we've planted in the past. I'm looking forward to seeing what this one turns out to be. Tasty, I hope. I'll let you know how it develops.

While I was on my way to photograph the volunteer veggie, Shasta Daisy was complementing Geranium 'Jolly Bee':

Shasta Daisy with Geranium 'Jolly Bee'

The Bougainvillea on the front slope looks spectacular.  I whacked it down to a stump this winter, in preparation for digging it out, then I didn't have the heart to let Mr. Shovel have his way.   Luckily, once a Bougie is well established, you can take it down to nothing and it will roar back with a glorious cloud of color.  They bloom on new growth only, and this one is all new growth.  

This particular plant had become a rabbit nesting site and shelter, so I was resigned to digging it out, but thought the better of it--that intense violet color is as delicious as an heirloom tomato.


The Heirloom Tomato: From Garden to Table: Recipes, Portraits, and History of the World's Most Beautiful FruitBlack Krim Tomato 30 Seeds - Russian HeirloomThe $64 Tomato
