Bulbine latifolia and Calothamnus villosus

Piece Of Eden

I got a few new low-water plants for the front slope. I wasn't familiar with Bulbine latifolia. I've had Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark' out there for a while, enduring horrific drought and thriving in spite of it. B. frutescens has grassy, tubular foliage, while B. latifolia resembles a small toothless Aloe, or even a dwarf Agave attenuata.

Piece Of Eden

Piece Of Eden

Graceful yellow flower spikes will contrast appropriately with the blue of Senecio mandraliscae.
Piece Of Eden

Also for the front slope, Calothamnus villosus. I went to a garden talk on low-water plants Monday, and this one was enthused about as a hummingbird magnet, so I thought I'd give it a try. The foliage looked like it would coordinate with the trio of Chamelauciums already out on the slope. I look forward to watching these grow and seeing how they perform.

I made the big grown-up step in buying three instead of one in order to get away from my one-of-everything design problem. A group of three is at least a start. Five or seven would probably have been better, but if C. villosus finds the slope too harsh, then I have five or seven dead plants instead of three. It's always a conundrum: if you buy one, it does great, and you are then guaranteed never to be able to find more for sale. If you buy several to create a mass planting, they'll all croak. Succulents are, of course, an exception to this rule: one is always enough because propagation from cuttings is usually so easy. One of a succulent is correct, unless you are in a hellfire hurry.

Calothamnus villosus foliage:

I hurried to get them all planted, because there is a chance of beautiful wonderful rain over the next few days.
