Melocactus and other Tucson Miscellany

Cool things seen around Tucson.  Melocactus were cool.  No, they didn't cut off the top of a plant and glue a macaroon and some straw flowers onto it.  Not a native cactus, Melocatus hail from the Caribbean through Mexico southwards to the Andes.  
When I first saw these, I was unsure if they were natural or not, having seen many Cacti with strawflowers glued onto their tops.   No, Melocactus really grow like this. 
That thingy on the top is a cephalium, from which flowers will sprout.
Another cool thing we saw was the nest of a Cactus Wren in the prickly arms of a Cholla cactusThe purple ribbon was a nice touch.
A fabulously crested Saguaro, looking like a rooster's comb:
Of course the Saguaros themselves, endlessly fascinating.  When I was a little kid, I thought all deserts were wonderful because they had Saguaros.  Nope.  Just around Tucson and a few places south and westwards.  

Unusual and beautiful stones.  Lots of that in Arizona.
And one non-native little plant I was unfamiliar with.  It was sitting in a pot by the fountain at our hotel.  Sanguisorba?
So pretty back lit!

One last image of beautiful, beautiful Tucson, the mountains turned smoky blue on a high-cloud afternoon.


  1. I love to visit the desert and you have strengthened my resolve for a spring trip !I believe your mystery plant is Celosia spicata of some kind.

  2. great shots the first reminds me of an ice cream cone.haha Oh how I miss tucson...and my lost pictures...

  3. Hi Hoover, I think the mystery plant is a Gomphrena, the one called Fireworks. Google it and see if you agree. I haven't grown it but would like to. I love your cactus photos. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have Opuntia but none of these awesome Sagauros. I love that turquoise colored rock too. Very cool photos!

  4. I'm thinking the gomphrena is "strawberry fields".

  5. Ooh, those saguaros reminded me of my visit to Tucson many years ago. A holiday to remember.


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