Just Enough Rain; Hunnemania fumariifolia

Just Enough:
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Just enough rain this morning to leave the irrigation shut off a little longer.  

Hunnemania fumariifolia, Mexican Tulip Poppy, is the newest addition to the garden, from a 4" (10 cm) pot.  The foliage resembles that of the California golden poppy, Eschscholzia californica.  The flowers are larger and bright yellow, rather than the neon orange of Eschsholzia.  This short-lived perennial blooms from spring into summer, and if you are lucky, it will reseed. 
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Speaking of luck, the Sweet Peas are already doing vastly better than they did all of last winter.  I'm beginning to feel optimistic about them.  Cautiously.
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  1. Your sweet peas are looking very promising indeed!

  2. I love sweet peas. Their scent is incomparable.

    1. Well, exactly. That fragrance is the sweetest!

  3. My sweet pea seedlings are coming up too, although they're not as far along as yours appear to be. I'll be interested to hear how your Hunnemania performs. I tried growing it in my old garden years ago but it failed to thrive - too little sun. As I love yellow, I've been tempted to try it again in my "new" gardening space.

    1. I was careful to put the Hunnemannia in full sun per instructions. I'm sure I'll be updating as to how it does.

      The first emergence of the Sweet Peas was October 23, I think they've done a lot in a little over a month.


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