'Blue Glow' Seedlings & The First Tulip

Agave seedling photo a-27-3140_zps57d5d706.jpg
The lengths of their seed leaf varied.  Some are double the length of others.  They are now growing their first true leaves.  It was too hot the past week to take them outside.  I feared they would fry.  Yesterday it was mild and they spend the day outside.  

Patience, patience.  I think they will be spending their nights indoors until May at least.   
Agave seedlings photo a-27-3141_zps5c85ced6.jpg
This year's Aloe marlothii bloom is magnificent.
Aloe marlothii photo a-27-3139_zps71d21263.jpg
Like Aloe marlothii, Metrosideros 'Springfire' is a bee and hummingbird magnet.
Metrosideros 'Springfire' photo a-27-3137_zps07992119.jpg
Yucca queretaroensis created some vibrant bokeh for a lone Calandrinia flower.
Bokeh photo a-27-3130_zps2bb68be1.jpg  
First Sweet Pea flowers are appearing, blurred by their wire fencing support.
Sweet Pea photo a-27-3118_zps44cc312f.jpg
Bee and Rose
Souvenir de la Malmaison photo a-27-3121_zpsc7071aea.jpg  
And the very first Tulip.
Tulip photo a-27-3115_zpse77a52a3.jpg


  1. The aloe flower is magnificent, it is one of my big regrets that we can not grow more aloes outside in the UK. The agave seedlings are coming along nicely, mine are all planted, half in soil and half in water as a little test having seen yours. I'll make sure I keep you updated.

    1. I am so happy you got the seeds! Please do let me know how they grow. If nothing else, they will give you something to blog about. ;^)

  2. I'm very impressed by both your success with the agave seeds and your tulip!

    1. I didn't think I could do either one. Nice to try to stretch one's self every once in a while.

  3. Your Blue Glow babies are so cute! Are these the ones that you crossed with a Manfreda?

    1. They are the ones I triedto cross with a Manfreda, yes. Whether that actually happened...

  4. You do take the most gorgeous photos, I must say!

    1. You've heard about the Pacific Rose Society Rose Auction for Feb. 1, I presume? Just in case not: http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=b03ea895998129213f6070274&id=3b5883af49&e=74f56fcc59 There are some stunning roses on offer, I must say! I would kill for one of the "Garden Director Bartje Muller" (no offense to Bartje, but I do think they could have dropped his/her title and improved the name immensely) roses...or maybe Marriotta.

  5. Many of these I will never be able to grow, but tulips, sweetpeas and roses...can we be far behind?

  6. Gorgeous plants, amazing photographs.But what are these blue glow babies?

    1. Agave 'Blue Glow' bloomed and I harvested seeds. If you look at this blog's category "Blue Glow Blooms" (Categories on right hand side of page) it shows the history of the bloom process (nearly 1 year!)

  7. Did you have to do any seed prep?

    1. I had to open the pods and pick out the viable seeds, then I saw a page suggesting that floating the seeds on distilled water helped to germinate them, so I did that. It proved to be very effective. A Previous post on seedlings has a photo...


      Cold stratification or soaking not necessary for Agave seeds.

  8. I can't wait to see what your Blue Glue seedlings will look like. There might be some very exciting surprises waiting...


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