Four Cool Things

Cool thing #1:  never ever found anything this cool at a flea market before. 

Five bucks!  He's metal of some sort. 
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I straightened out his bent neck and beak.  Now, he just needs a paint job.  White and glossy? 
Straightened out with Aloe dorotheae:
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Cool thing #2:  .2" (5 mm) of rain late Friday night.
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The plants are rejoicing.
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We allergy sufferers are rejoicing as well.  Look at what the rain washed out of the air:  tons of pollen.
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Cool thing #3:  Aloe pseudorubroviolacea flowers:
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Cool thing #4:  New Dahlia, 'Creme de Cassis'.  Ooh!
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Bonus.  Super cool thing.  On the Dahlia foliage, a baby Mantis:
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Have a super cool Sunday!



  1. Those are very cool. The baby mantis is amazing.

    1. Thanks, Spiky. When I cut down the failing Dodoneas I found multiple Mantis egg cases in the branches and carefully relocated them around the garden. Looks like at least one was successful.

  2. I like the little metal flamingo just fine the way he is, no pain needed. What a great find!

    1. I might just give him the same color, refreshed. He deserves to shine.

  3. Yay for the rain! I stayed up awhile Friday night just listening to it. My rain meter showed 3/8ths of an inch. Enjoy the fresh air this Sunday.

  4. What a great find at the flea market, the flamingo is beautiful, I would just give him a polish, his colour is fine. Good that you had some rain and the little mantis is gorgeous.
    xoxoxo ♡

  5. I tend to like the patina of age (it may have something to do with my own age) so I would leave mr flamingo as is. It says something about babies that even a baby mantis is cute as a button.


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