Wednesday Vignette for July 27, 2016

Garden center display--hot colors for hot weather.  Color is a powerful mood-setter, don't you think?  So, too, is heat, but the mood created is cranky rather than energized.

More vignettes at Flutter And Hum.  Enjoy, and stay cool.  


  1. I love the zing of the oranges on that display. But perhaps with hot weather light blues might be better for the mood...

    Or crank up the air conditioning instead and view the oranges from indoors :)

    1. My method is that last thing, and it's working! :)

  2. If only we could water with the abandon of a garden center!

  3. I'm wondering if something with large tropical foliage would have worked better than the flax (?). maybe some 15 g palms or even some larger purple foliaged shrubs would help cool it down... Boxed purple Cotinus? even some nice wispy 5 g grasses...But with retail, you go with whathca got.

    1. You sound like you have a great sense of design! I wish I did. Yes, retail display, you got what you got. They do great with what they have. I agree the Phormium is kind of "off" there.


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