Wednesday Vignette: 'Fess Up

It's plants, isn't it?  Rhombophyllum dolabriforme

Confess:  what's on your patio table?  It's not a beautiful teapot set on a beautiful tea towel, with a vase of Sunflowers and a plate of delicious scones in view.   Or a pitcher of frosty lemonade and a bowl of perfect lemons.

It's plants, cuttings, garden tools, and spilt potting soil isn't it?  With a dead bouquet, a jar of fish food, and a lot of dust.  Isn't it?

Confess!  Also enjoy more Wednesday Vignettes at Flutter and Hum on this Summer Solstice.   Summer.  Ugh. 


  1. Haha - exactly. I'll add a couple of broken pots to that, too! :D

    1. I finally threw the broken pots out. That's why they are missing. ;^)

  2. Oh, and Happy Midsummer to you!

  3. That made me laugh! A true gardener's table!

    1. There's enough dirt on there to germinate some seeds.

  4. Well, my patio table has a nice pot with water-starved succulents I need to take care of and lots and lots of leaf and floral debris dropped by the blanket-y blank messy mimosa tree. I swept up the back patio yesterday but, 5 minutes later, you wouldn't have known it. I'm trying to ignore it at the moment...

    1. So no teapot and scones, eh? I thought so. :)

      Tired of the Mimosa tree???

    2. 3 potted plants, 1 cement vase and a tillansia...oh and tons and tons of debris from the Fir trees behind us.

  5. Thanks for the laugh of recognition! I have areas set aside for such things but somehow the patio table is always full of garden stuff, projects to be done, the latest nursery haul. I love you for sharing this!

  6. You nailed it, all right...though at the moment the table on the deck reflects the cleanup/dressup wrought for Fathers' Day BBQ (annual croquet tourney foiled by rain).

    1. Rain?!? You got beautiful, wonderful, glorious rain while down here we fried in the heat? Next yea,r let's trade gardens.

  7. Your patio table is just the way I like it! Mine is currently empty because I cleaned it recently.

    1. Good for you! I'm embarrassed mine is so dusty. I will get out there and wash it. All the cuttings sitting there are callused and ready to plant.

  8. I had a potting table in Porterville. A real sturdy built with brick sides and a slate tiled top one.
    I miss that.

    Our patio tables are a pretty twirly metal pattern, with lot of gaps to lose bits. Sigh. My mess is lined up on the steps, OFF the table ...

    1. Brick sides, slate top--that sounds wonderful. My potting table came off the side of the road, someone threw it out. It is in full sun so stuff ends up on the patio table which is in full shade.

      Twirly metal pattern sounds good for a real table. I've done some potting up on the stairs myself, they work pretty well.


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