Yellow Wednesday April 10, 2019

Leucospermum 'Yellow Bird'
Rose 'Molineux'
 Echeveria agavoides
Orchid at Sherman Gardens

Yellow is not so bad, really.


  1. An impressive parade of yellow. I personally love yellow as it is bright and cheerful. Can never have too much. Your garden must be a glorious place right now.

    1. Rain is magic! The garden is not only happy, every tree and shrub in Southern California appears to be happy as well, all full of fresh new foliage and flowers...near everyone is sneezing like crazy from all the pollen, but other that that, glorious.

  2. I can't imagine a garden without yellow daisies.
    Yellow proteas even better.

    1. I think there are just yellow Gazanias in this garden. The rest of the daisies are white, purple, or orange. Oh, no, take that back! Tagetes lemonii from Mexico is a superstar in late spring and autumn. Euryops pectinatus was so planted here for a while, every garden had them. Euryops chrysantheoides is supposedly better for our climate. Encelia californica is the CA native but it looks dreadful a lot of the year.

  3. I love yellow but I've had to curtail its use in my garden somewhat as it can easily overwhelm everything around it.

    1. The build-up of yellow here has been unintentional--the yellow and orange bloomers have been such good performers. White seems most dominating as far as a color goes--it is so much brighter than anything else, it jumps out at the eye.

    2. I love yellow flowers probably more than any other color!


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