End Of April, Start Of May, International Naked Gardening Day

 'Bishops Castle'

I always celebrate International Naked Gardening Day with flowers.  Fully clothed.  

Below, Phygelius capensis 'Magenta' is supported by Lomandra 'Platinum Beauty' against a background of Aechmea blanchetiana 'Orangeade'.  The first Phygelius I attempted died rather quickly in dryish soil and sun with reflected heat.  This one in a shadier, somewhat moist location, seems much happier than the first one.  
Most all the Hippeastrum flowers are open.  It does make a show having them all clustered together.
   'The Prince'
 Orange-red 'Geranium Red' rose with plummy magenta Salvia 'Love and Wishes'
 Plummy rose 'Old Port' against orange-red Salvia
 Lobelia 'Cambridge Blue'.  Ah, that color!

 'Pink Gruss an Aachen'
 'The Poets Wife'
 New flowers opening on Leucospermum 'Blanche Ito'

 Clematis 'Perle d'Azur'
 Clematis 'Viola'
 Clematis 'Etoile Violette'

Clematis 'Moonlight'
Actotis 'Pink Sugar'.  This got planted temporarily by the driveway to fill an empty spot; a garden club meeting was held here in February, so I wanted the garden to look as good as possible. The Arctotis obliged by beginning to flower the day after the meeting.
  'William Shakespeare 2000' with Salvia 'Skyscraper series pink'
 'Jubilee Celebration'
Itoh Peony 'Misaka'
 Acer palmatum 'Oshio Beni'
 Shasta Daisies and Geranium 'Rozanne'
 Rose 'Darcy Bussell'
 Mass of flowers
 The delicate 'Windermere'
 A white Gaura
 Hulthemia hybrid rose 'Eyes For You'.  The flower begins pink and burgundy, finishes pale lavender and purple.
 And 'Tamora':
Happy Naked Gardening Day.  If you celebrate it in the true spirit of the holiday, I don't want to know. 


  1. Who needs naked photos when you have these stunning images! Love them all, especially the rose spilling over the wall and staircase. So beautiful!

    1. After so many pink Austins that were total duds in my climate, 'Bishop's Castle' made up for all of them. Super fragrant, too.

  2. WOW! One photo after another is spectacular. Roses, Clematis AND a peony. Neither my Majorcan peony nor my Itoh peony have so much as a single bud :( Unless I count the weedy Centranthus and Santa Barbara daisies, the only plants going bonkers in my garden at the moment are the Aeonium 'Kiwi Verde' - unlike the variegated 'Kiwi', KV produces a ridiculous number of flowers.

    1. No Itoh buds?!? :( I was eyeing the entry for Majorcan peony on the Annie's site. I don't have a lot of Itoh buds this Spring--was expecting more, not less--maybe they are affected by the previous winter's hot dry misery, instead of this last one's wonderful rain? Perhaps they run a year behind?

    2. I'm thinking there's something to the year-behind theory, Kris, because my one intersectional peony, instead of being bolstered by steady rains all fall and winter, is going backwards: a pathetic two buds compared with last year's peak of four. I've pretty much given up on it; if there isn't a decent bloom next year, 'Viking Full Moon' is going into permanent eclipse.

  3. How weird is it that I have that phygelius growing near that same lomandra too? Love how that rose ('Bishop's Castle'?) spills out of that retaining wall.

    1. Yes that is odd! Maybe the plants are secretly in control. That would explain a few things. ;^) I had no where to put BC, three of them, so I stuck them there, and look what happened.

  4. Whoa, those red stems on L. 'Blanche Ito'! As if it needed more 'zazz...

    'Windermere' is the rose that seems closest to celebrating Naked Gardening Day --an Edenic concept, but unlikely to catch on in our crowded world where everyone seems to have eaten from the tree of bitter knowledge.

    Your garden truly is a piece of Eden -- often, but especially at the moment. Thanks for inviting us in.

  5. Your roses are gorgeous. That white clematis is a beauty too. So much going on in your garden now. I enjoy seeing all of it.

  6. Spectacular is the right word. So much beauty.

    White gaura: is that the dwarf you bought at Roger's Gardens?

    1. Rain is magic!

      The Gaura was labelled as dwarf. It lied! I like the white much better than the pink, tho.


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