
 My humble and happily obscure little blog is currently being bombarded by bots(?) using a site called, so I've switched on "captcha" commenting in an attempt to stop it. 

This is why we cannot have nice things.  


  1. Interesting. When I responded to a comment on my blog this morning, I discovered that reCAPTCHA was in place, although I did nothing to initiate it. When one person reported that s/he was suddenly registering as "Anonymous" I tried to change the reCAPTCHA setting but it doesn't seem to have had an effect. I'm not seeing it in effect on your blog.

  2. I noticed a slight upsurge of comments on mine too although I have it set to preview first so I can mark them as spam before they appear. I don't get that many anyway so it isn't a big job.

    1. I don't get many comments either, and I do the preview thing too. But I sure got a flurry from that wakelet site, thought it has stopped. Now to get the reCaptcha thing straighened out...

  3. Culprits should be found and forced to weed around agaves. Maybe a few pokes will set them on the straight and narrow.

    1. Hey, good idea! Sad thing: I'm having trouble replying to my own blog due to this reCaptcha thing. The reCaptcha has stopped the bombardment--or something else has. I like your idea a lot!

  4. So maddening! Ugh! Hope this change works well

    1. I'm having trouble replying to comments now--sorry for delay in preview and answering. The bombardment did stop--so yay!!

  5. These people who do such things are so annoying! I am responding so I can be sure this site works. I thought I responded earlier today but maybe it didn't go through.

    1. It did, Nancy, but I was having trouble replying to comments. Have to do some via Anonymous--or it doesn't work at all...the bombardment did stop, though. :) --hb

  6. Love the weeding around agaves idea! So very annoying for you - hope it all gets sorted out.

  7. Frustrating changes regarding the commenting issues, thanks for doing the work-around to comment anonymously on my blog.

  8. GRRRRRRR. So sorry to hear. I get a fair amount of spam all the time, but nothing targeted like this.

  9. Thanks to all for the kind comments. Nosing around blogger support I found that the issue has arisen due to the shift by browsers to the new feature of automatically dis-allowing third party trackers.

    "The problem is that browsers block third-party cookies by default (it was different before) and the form is loaded in "iframe" from domain on a blog with or custom domain - so it's treated as "3rd party" by your browser.

    There is no problem with "Full page" or "Popup window" because this form is loaded directly on page."


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