Phone-tos from Sherman Gardens

 Left the camera home.  Phone-tos instead record a  recent visit to Sherman Gardens in Corona del Mar, a jewel-box of a botanical garden--small, but intensively replanted seasonally with some of the latest new plant introductions. 

Underplanting a Camellia, an arrow points to Artemisia mauiensis 'Makena Silver'.  The white-silver foliage insisted on the eye's attention.  

The phone's camera was unimpressed:

A curve-leafed Bromeliad, Cuphea 'Blackberry Sparkler', and annual Celosia share a container:

Chartreuse Helichrysum with dark Bromeliads. 

Sarracinias with...Sagina subulata? White flower--don't know that one.  Do you? 
Calothamnus with Dyckia and Aeonium
Sunlit Calothamnus.  I grew one for several years.  Good shrub.  Tough.
Sherman was featuring works by mosaicist Irina Charny.  This one had a Gustav Klimt vibe:
Protea 'Pink Ice' with some Restios, among other things.  

Late summer disarray:

Another of the mosaics:
Farfugium...gigantea(?) with Iresine...herbstii(?): 
Interesting Bromeliad in bloom, nestled in
Tillandsia usneoides, common name "Spanish Moss":
Chartreuse and dark bronze foliage combinations  adorned several areas.  A bright Coleus with black Aeoniums and a Coprosma:  
This line of compact grass appears to be Pennesetum glaucum 'Jade Princess".  Again, dark or bronzy foliage playing off chartreuse. 
 Amid Rudbeckias, Pennesetum glaucum 'Jade Princess', Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' (my guess)
an aqua glass globe acts as focal point.  'Sunshine' is a new sterile selection.  Ligustrums are an invasive problem in some areas east of the Mississippi.  The seeds are spread by berry-eating birds.  Hence:  horticultural work on sterile versions. 

Another mural. The most brightly colored pieces were visually jarring nestled among natural foliage and flowers. 

Another view of the Rudbeckia area from inside a small open building. 
Another piece inside the building, where it did not have to compete with nature:
 By some visitors comments and movement, it appeared they went from mosaic to mosaic, paying little attention to plants.  Everyone has their special interests. 

Exuberant summer foliage--ornamental Musas, Cannas, Coleus, Colcasias, and Alocasias.

A patch of Angelonia there, too. 

 I struggled with the phone camera.  They are less obtrusive.  I did discover the phone's flashlight feature while futzing with controls, among other things.  A finger brush would unintentionally keep switching the Camera Ap into video mode, so the visit produced many three second videos ending with a swear word. 

A Hoya dangling down from a basket on the way to the Cactus and Succulent garden.  

Just one quick image from the C&S garden, some of which was awaiting an end of summer clean-up.  It was approaching noon by then; visitors were streaming in for a garden restaurant lunch.  Time to leave.

Last shot:  a flat of ornamental Bok Choy awaiting planting.  Gardeners were starting the transition from Summer to Autumn. 

 I'm starting it myself.  How about you? 


  1. Absolutely starting to transition into fall. Though no rain is forecasted, temps remain below 75°: almost perfect. Prep work now, plant later.
    You captured awesome plant combinations here. One of a more subtle color scheme in photo 11 was very appealing to me ("Farfugium with Iresine").
    Love the mosaic art, especially the 'flower' presented indoors.

    1. Below 75F, ahhhhhhhhh! Wonderful.

      They had some great plant combos. It was a fun visit!

  2. I struggle with 'phone-tos -I think yours turned out pretty good ! I'm ready for the slow slide into fall-heat waves are still quite possible but nights are longer and nightime temps are going down too. And we got .46 rain on Sunday ! No need to water this week.

    1. Rain--awesome! May we have a rainy winter...

      Another heat wave gets going here Friday--yuck.

  3. Laughing hard! I struggle with my phone too, and often swear at it. Many times it was almost hurled across the room, but I thought better of that little tantrum. I do find the flashlight feature helpful for going upstairs to retire, and since the phone is also my alarm clock, it always goes upstairs with me. Thank you for the tour. Hoyas are beautiful. Love cannas (they remind me of my childhood). Coleus are some of my favorite plants to grow. The biggest surprise was the Venus fly traps -- I would have thought they would fry , but they looked happy and healthy. Who knew? Elizabeth

    1. Actually all the bumbling with my phone camera, I found the flashlight function! I hardly ever use a cell phone--just does not appeal to me. Plants are so much nicer.

      I tried and failed with Coleus--should experiment with growing from seed.

      I was also surprised by the carnivorous plants--but right by the ocean the climate is so much more mild than even a few miles inland. It makes a difference.

  4. Wow! those planters are gorgeous. Not sure how visitors could not comment on the incredibly lush and colourful plant combinations. Had to laugh at your struggles with the camera. Been there.


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