Neighborhood Echium

 In our neighborhood, Echium candicans is having a great year.

This plant can reseed lavishly and live on rainfall alone, so caution should be used when planting it near wild lands in Southern and Central California.  


  1. Replies
    1. In dry years, not so much, but this year they are dazzling.

  2. WOW, this is as good as Echium gets. It's much too big for my small garden, but I love seeing it elsewhere.

    1. Yes, not a plant for my garden either but I enjoy it elsewhere.

  3. Replies
    1. Stops me in my tracks. We haven't had a good Echium year for a while--they really made use of all the rain.

  4. It's popping up all over my area too. I've got 2 self-seeded shrubs sitting along the border of our property with our neighbor to the south, one of which just started blooming. There's another neighbor down the street whose front "garden" consists almost exclusively of self-seeded Echiums - and weeds.

    1. With it blooming so lavishly here probably a lot of seedlings to come.

      Self-seeded Echiums and weeds--that combo is popular around here, too. :(

  5. The first time I actually "saw" that plant, I was gobsmacked. So huge, and so beautiful, with all those gorgeous purple spires! And the bees love it. I like that it is so big that its almost always found on the slopes surrounding the freeways and in empty lots (which, I admit, are not as plentiful as they once were) -- no demure garden plant this. The common name is Pride of Madeira, and proud it is. Now, if I would just open my eyes, I might be lucky enough to see it for myself.

    1. This year they are DEMANDING our attention! 😁

  6. Gorgeous! Since every echium around here is dead (winter) it's lovely to see these blooms in abundance.

    1. A tough winter for tender plants up north. :( Looks like your region is still getting rain, too.

  7. Hi Hoover. Timely post! We just spotted echiums in gardens all around town after lunch today looking fantastic. California poppies, too. Wild mustard is having a field day as well. Evergreen pears and purple leaf plums, everyone's joining the party this week. There's nothing like the rain to bring on the blooms.

    1. Yes definitely Echium time! Poppies and mustard also--the ornamental pears around here are long finished flowering. Rain is magic!

  8. Those are amazing plants for sure. I remember admiring them during various trips to California. And they were always covered with pollinators!

  9. Wow. Just wow. These are magnificent.

    1. Pretty good for plants coming up on the side of the road

  10. Replies
    1. The Echium have really dressed up the neighborhood this spring.


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