New Lens, Ill Dog

The blues

 It's been a rough couple of weeks for Natasha and consequently for us.  She's much improved, but we're all very tired mentally as well as physically.   Not a lot of gardening getting done.

Got a new camera lens.  Have not had much time or energy yet to try it out.   We did take a trip to a great nursery in San Juan Capistrano, and I brought the new lens for Beloved to try out on their excellent plants while I shopped.   Unfortunately I forgot to put the data card in the camera.  So while Beloved got some practice, the camera got  no photos.  It's been like that lately.    

Just a few pictures, what I could get one morning.  

A. marmorata flower stalk progress not yet slowed by winter.  

'Rosanne' in close up shows the shadows her anthers and filiments cast:
A different perspective on Cuphea flowers
'Brass Band' with lovely bokeh
Different perspective these days, via lens and dog.    I hope to be back to gardening soon.  


  1. That is really nice - what is the lens? I love your photography. I hope Natasha is better.

    1. It's a 70-300mm so I hope to get a little bit better bird pictures and also can take flower close ups from quite a distance and get good bokeh.

      Natasha is better especially today, thanks! :^)

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Natasha is still having health issues, HB. I can sympathize with the better but not "well" situation. My fingers are crossed that she continues to improve and is soon back to giving Boris an active playmate.

    Your photos are striking, especially that first one - and any photo featuring a hummer can't help but be a winner. Best wishes for a better new year!

    1. Senior pets as you know are more care and some worry. Natasha has been feeling well enough to tease Boris again, so that's pretty good. (Boris doesn't mind--too much.)

      I hope Pipig is happy and enjoying her heating pad. Happy New Year!

  3. So sorry to hear about Natasha and everything her humans have been dealing with. Hopefully things will get brighter heading into the New Year.

    As for not putting a memory card in the camera, that's happened to me too. Fortunately, my camera "complains" when there's no card (it's a settable option). That has saved my bacon a time or two.

    1. She's teasing Boris again, one of her many jobs, so we're all doing better. :^)
      I was thinking of your Mom and wondering if she's settled into her new home and is okay with it. Hope so.

      So this is on your Sony?!!? I'm going to check right now to see if mine has that feature. My Nikon would grey out the entire screen and viewfinder with a NO CARD message in big letters--how I miss that! The Sony has a tiny little icon in the upper right corner and I miss it every time.

  4. That blues image is just outstanding! So sorry about Natasha, I'm wish you all rest and improved health.

    1. Those two blue plants together--!!!! Thanks--we're over the worst at least for now.

  5. Getting Natasha to "much improved" sounds exhausting but worth it. I haven't lifted a camera in several weeks, just so much going on. Looking forward to more photos with the new lens in 2024!

    1. Yes so much going on. Best wishes to you Denise for a lovely 2024.

  6. Glad to read Natasha is improved. Lovely images. Peace.

  7. So sorry to hear about Natasha. Seems to be the season as one of our cats has a tumour that is developing quickly. Wish they didn't get old so quickly. I organized an interview of a special garden and it's gardeners that was to be recorded. Same thing, forgot to put in the video card. Duh! So not to worry. It happens. The close up photos really show some of the details one might ordinarily miss.

    1. Oh that's rough Elaine, sorry to hear your kitty is ill. That's a heart breaker. It never gets easier.

      So I'm not the only one who forgets the card--well I know how that feels also! It happens a little too often in my camera.

  8. Glad Natasha is feeling playful again - a little extra energy to play with!

    1. Natasha feeling better makes us all feel better. Boris was worried, too, though he didn't at all like sharing his ball when she grabbed it away. Happy New Year, Diana!

  9. Great photos, I particularly like the one of the anthers on Rosanne. Best wishes for Natasha to keep feeling better.

    1. Thanks, Jerry. She's been doing great--like she was never sick at all. Whew!

  10. I'm sorry Natasha was in the dumps, I'm glad to read she's better. That first photo belongs on a book cover, or on a wall - it is beautiful!


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