Aloe 'Moonglow's Moment


It's Aloe 'Moonglow's time, its moment--its few weeks of the year to be glorious.

 37 individual stems this year on five separate plants

The past week or so has been relatively cool, with daytime highs only around 60F/15C.  Looking at 'Moonglow' warms the viewer:

Cool, unfortunately dry weather is ideal for cutting back roses, so that's what I've been doing in between admiration for other plants having "moments".

'Silas Marner that spent last year in a pot had developed an impressive root system.  Hopefully it will do well in a location that held a Cuphea 'Vermillionaire':

'Bishops Castle' got a thorough cut back this year:
And so on with the roses. 

The new Cybister Hippeastrum bulbs are about to open their flowers:

Yet another flower stem from TB Iris 'Clarence':

Agaves, recently washed clean of dust by several modest rain storms, are looking particularly good:

 'Blue Flame':

A. ovatifolia against a background of Centaurea ragusina:

Calendula with Pelargonium x sidoides 'Burgundy':

And a rose still blooming...though not for long.

'The Prince':


  1. An amazing number of flower stems on Moonglow. Should be an incredible display that you and the hummers will love. The agave photos are gorgeous. Nice to see everything looking healthy and photo worthy.

  2. The yellow blooms from moonglow are positively sunshine. Clarence is really giving his all this winter, I'm just beginning to see the tips of iris leaves emerge here. The ovatifolia is so perfect, it doesn't even look real.

    1. Some Agaves look perfect here all the time, from when they are tiny to when they flower. A. ovatifolia, parryi truncata, victoriae-reginae, 'Blue Glow'....

  3. So lovely to look at all the (37!) 'Moonglow' blooms, especially when waking up to 14° in Seattle this morning. Though if it was up to me, I'd probably name them 'Sunglow'.
    TB Iris blooming in January... a mind blower.

    1. Out there taking photos, I thought 'Sun Glow' seemed more appropriate as well.

      14F, yikes!!

  4. Nice to see some cheery aloe flowers on what has been a rather gloomy, cold, icy day here in the PNW. Hard to believe you still have a rose blooming, and your iris keeps shocking me with blooms this late (early?) in the season compared to what I have ever seen before. Does Clarence have a decent scent?

    1. A few roses still flowering, but it's time to cut them back. The January Iris is strange even here--not sure if it is fragrant or not. For fragrance my nose goes for lavenders and roses.

  5. The plants and blooms look so happy and healthy. Even with a "cool" day, how nice to have things blooming and thriving year-round.

    1. Wonderful for those of us who like to be outdoors in the garden. It appears to be pretty cold in your area--hope you are staying warm and safe.


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