Mimulus naiandinus 'Mega'/Erythranthe naiandina 'Mega'


I impulse-bought this plant locally recently--can't remember where.  It was in a 4" pot, just filling it, doubling in size since.  Purchased for the genus name Mimulus, of which there are several species native to our region.  This one is not.  It's new name is Erythranthe naiandina 'Mega' and it is native to Chile.  

 I planted it in a visible place on the edge of the patio, visible enough to give it a good chance of getting watered enough to survive, because it is a moisture-loving plant.  I thought bugs would gobble up its soft, water-fat foliage.  That hasn't happened yet, but probably will.   I'll enjoy it while I can.

Not yet able to walk without assistance, but I've been able to get outside and look around. 


  1. I'm so glad to hear you've been able to get outside so soon! Great news, and how nice to have a beautiful new plant to keep an eye on.

    1. Thank you! I hope I can keep it happy through the summer.

  2. I imagine that your garden isn't walker-friendly but I expect you're putting a lot of energy into recovery. Your pink Erythranthe is very pretty and I hope the rabbits miss it. I've been confused by "monkeyflowers" many times. I gather than the more drought tolerant ones are actual Diplacus.

    1. The Diplacus are what I see too. A whole lot of genus changing going on.

      The driveway is about the only place that is "walker friendly'. Dear Husband kindly went and spot-watered yesterday because of the hot spell.

  3. That's a beauty; I'm not familiar with it. Best wishes for your continued recovery. :)

    1. It's Chilean Mediterranean--plants from there happiest in coastal central->coastal northern CA; usually too dry for them here.

      I'm better every day, thank you.

  4. Erythranthe is one of the more unwieldly name changes that I have a hard time remembering. Extended dry spells on the way here. Soon, watering season will be upon us. I am not ready.

    1. Yes, watering season begins. It sure was fun not to worry about water for over 5 months!!!!!

  5. So far behind on reading my blogs. I am sure you are fully recovered now!

    1. I wish, but not yet! At 8 or 10 weeks most people are functioning pretty well again. 3-5 more weeks to go.


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