Color Trouble


I wish I hadn't planted 'Indian Summer' Alstroemeria next to a hot pink rose.  I planted the Alstroemeria there to give it ideal growing conditions--enough moisture, relief from afternoon heat.  Nailed the location--'Indian Summer' has thrived.  It's the color clash with its neighbor that's painful.  I'll have to move it as soon as my knee is stronger. 
I walked around the garden with an 'Indian Summer' flower to see where it would look better.   
No room near 'Bartzella':
'Indian Summer' would look better just about anywhere else, apparently.  With red 'Firefighter' or orange/yellow 'Brass Band' roses--oh yes.  With golden yellow roses like 'Julia Child' or 'Molineux', oh yes. 
'Brass Band':
 As I've become a more experienced gardener, getting plants to really "sing" together matters more and more.  Who knew more experience would make gardening more complicated?  
 Silver and three different purples sing
Purple and white, nice:
Purple, white, yellow, dandy!
Euphorbia 'Miner's Merlot' has changed color quite dramatically.  The foliage was a deep, rich wine red at purchase.  Now it's blue green, with greeny-chartreusy flowers.  The wine-red survives in the flower stems but nowhere else. 
Really cool to look at, the flowers like a school of chartreuse minnows swimming towards you:
Hmm...where did I leave that 'Indian Summer' flower?  I was supposed to focus...
Purple all by itself, with green, is good, but the right companion would make it better.


 Green and white: soothing and elegant.  I hardly noticed 'Snow Goose' rose is having its best year ever.  Lucky I noticed in time. 
With Memorial Day approaching, it's time for Trachelospermum jasminoides to flower and perfume the air:
I started fretting over color trouble, and after walking around the garden, ended at peace with elegant green and white.  Unfocused, but happy.  
Lost your focus in the garden lately?       


  1. I've tried to adhere to color schemes but I always fail. Yesterday I noticed that my 'Alchymist' rose is blooming right next to 'Robin Hood'. Yes, the dreaded pink and yellow combo. By the way, I finally got me an altroemeria 'Indian Summer'!

    1. Pink and yellow, sometimes it's not too bad. 'Peace' rose is pink and yellow, after all. I put 'Golden Celebration' near 'Belinda's Dream' but they are far enough apart.

      Glad to hear you found 'Indian Summer! Hopefully its a gem for you. :)

  2. Color trouble, I wish I could say this doesn't happen to me. Of course it does, usually when I'm rushing and not thinking through what the surrounding plants are. The silver & purples really do look great, and the purple & white. Digging up alstroemeria isn't much fun, with all those crazy tubers everywhere. I have a clump in the slope that is out of control I really need to attack.

    1. And sometimes if there's no better location, it gets planted in a less ideal spot no matter what, to be moved later. In this case it's now "later".

      I have a clump of the crazy wild colored 'Rock and Roll' Alstroemeria that needs some attention too. Uh-oh!

  3. Ha ha, maybe by the time your knee is stronger you'd have made peace with the 'color clash'? It's not appearing 'clashy' to me, not on my monitor at anyway.
    "Unfocused but happy" is my content state in the garden. I wish I could focus more but in the end, if there isn't any important items on my to-do list, what does it matter. As long is I'm in my happy place.

    1. Very true--a garden "problem" is not really much of a problem in the larger scheme of things. Happy place, happy day!

  4. But there's a color echo of the rose in the alstro! (at least as the color is depicted in the photo) It's a brassy combination, sure, but both those plants are not for the faint of heart, colorwise. And I'd say if they absolutely have to be separated, move the rose...the alstro looks so happy there. Some acid green might provide some couples therapy....

    1. The photo doesn't capture the true horror. ;^)

      Speaking of acid green, I was surprised and happy to find the acid green version of Teucrium chamaedrys at Plant Depot.

  5. Oh how lovely to see all the colors. Clashes are tricky. I had some issues in the back garden that way last summer...oh well. Beautiful blooms and photos, as always!

    1. Any garden "problem" is not really much of a problem, in the larger scheme of things. A day in the garden is a good day.

  6. I somehow missed this post until now. I hope you located a spot to move either the Alstroemeria or the rose (when the knee permits). I bet 'Indian Summer' would look great next to nearly any of your Leucadendrons! Its flowers are SO bright, it can really do with a background that calms it down a bit.

    1. Hmm good thought, it would look good with the reds of 'Safari Sunset', for sure. Thanks for the idea!

  7. These are the types of things that we only learn as we experiment and mature as gardeners. Silver seems to go so well with everything. You've reminded me I need to go out an fertilize my clematis before the weekend is over!


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