23 Gardens Over Four Days



I'm back home after attending the 2024 Puget Sound Washington Garden Fling.  We visited twenty three gardens over four days.  I've got hundreds of garden photos to arrange, think about, and organize into blog posts.  

Here is a sample of what's to come.




  1. Wow, the preview has me excited already and I didn't realize you made it to so many gardens! Looks like the weather cooperated as well. Hope you enjoyed the trip!

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos, it was great to meet you!

    1. Likewise! Sorry you had to leave early--we missed your vivacity!

  3. Given the photos I've seen on Instagram, I certainly missed out on the Seattle gardens tour extension. I look forward to seeing your posts on those in particular. I've only made the first inroads in processing the photos I took during the first 3 days of the Fling myself. I hope your trip home was smooth and that you, your Beloved, and the pups are all doing well.

    1. More awesome gardens in Seattle--but I was utterly wiped out at the end. Great trip back and we're all good!

  4. Looking forward to all your posts from this great trip-it was fun too see you again after so long . Bet those pups were happy to have you home ! I've uploaded all my photos but since it was overcast til after noon today and just hit 70 degrees I've been out pulling all the weeds that popped up while I was gone and pulling and cutting back all the plants that declined . It doesn't take long for this t go to hell in summer !

  5. That's a lot of gardens! Did they all blur together by the end? :) Eliza

    1. Amazingly enough, they did not. Probably for most non-gardeners. Perhaps for we who are avid gardeners, we see all the differences?

  6. Oh wow--you got some amazing shots! Darn, I'm sorry I wasn't there, for many reasons...but I would have had a chance to meet you. (I don't think we've met...I think we've attended different Flings.) Looking forward to more coverage. :)

    1. Would have been great fun to meet you and talk plants! Sorry you were not able to attend, but travel--you know. I regretted not going to the Madison event, but--you know.

    2. Yes, it is what it is. I do hope we'll be able to meet at a future Fling. :)

  7. It was wonderful to cross paths with you many times, but I regret that we never really got to chat. I'm very glad your knee was up to all the walking!

    1. Likewise, but these events however fun are always hectic. So many people, so many plants! Knee did great--all the constant activity actually helped--strengthened it and increased range of motion.

  8. Can't wait to see more in the weeks to come! It was so good spending time with you.

  9. That's a lot of gardens! I'm looking forward to seeing some of the photos :)

    1. I've been going through all 1,536 of them. 2 were out of focus, so I'm down to 1,534!

  10. Wow, what a workout! The shot of lilies and agapanthus is delectable. Deer wiped out summer color pretty thoroughly here this year, so I'm craving a bit of that floral display. Nell, z6b/7a Virginia

    1. How much garden beauty can a person stand? As it turned out, a whole lot.

  11. Glorious photos! What a Fling it was. Like you, I'm still sifting through hundreds (thousands) of photos. But that's a good task for a Texas summer.

    1. What a great Fling indeed, tho Austin is right up there too. We're having a week of 90F, so time for me to get to work as well. Stay cool!

  12. It was a pleasure to finally meet you and chat. The whole event seemed at once filled to the brim with vibrant conversations and gardens, yet all too short. I wanted more time in the gardens and more time with the flingers. If only we had had more time to wander through each space and to speak with everyone more deeply. But, I can't help but wonder if that brevity lends its own shine to the experience, making it seem more precious and bright than if we had been allowed to wallow to our heart's content? Meeting you and everyone else was truly the balm I needed this summer.

    1. Likewise!

      I can wander great gardens like we Flingers saw for hours and not get bored at all, yes a lot of happy wallowing--but not everyone is like that. The organizers have so many things to balance--the travel time, the needs of the garden's owners, the wants of the participants...it's a lot to try to get right.

      "Balm", yes perfect description.


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