There's Supposed To Be More Purple

A predator in the system

 Compromise is a feature, not a bug, in our system of Government.  When a large percentage (or a highly powerful minority) absolutely refuse to compromise on anything, we get gridlock, and problems fester.  

 We all need to be more purple.  In other words, to communicate peacefully and constructively, then to compromise enough, just enough.  "Only one" person can't solve everything.  We must work together. 

G-d help us if we don't.

Meanwhile, out in the garden, still some gorgeous roses. 

'Brass Band':

'The Poet's Wife':
'The Ambridge Rose':
Still pretty flowery for November:
Besides roses, the Tagetes lemonii that Beloved got me last Christmas is now flowering.  Took it a while, but it looks great up on the west side slope:

Aloe 'Rooikappie': 
Another shot of the laggard Foxglove:
The ones that flowered this spring have provided plentiful seedlings for next spring:
The Hakea flowers again!  I've decided on a place for it, but there's a stump that needs to come out first.  Must get to it. 
 Otherwise, autumn chop-chop-chop continues.   I hired a tree trimmer.  The screening hedge of Pittosporums was shading out the veggie/cutting room of the garden in winter.

A little better--it may need to go lower, but now that the hedge is shorter, I can do it safely myself.  

A little better view from upstairs, too:

Whatever happens over the next few days or weeks, the garden will be a distraction, a comfort, a refuge, a place for perspective and peace.   May yours do the same.
