Gopher Issue/'Blue Glow' Hoarding?


I'm really unsure as to how to approach the gopher issue--how do I get between the above plants to set traps?  See the problem?   

Veteran traps ready to go, but...go where?

Until I figure it out, fall clean up continues.  The yearly chop of the Iochroma, a dead branch sawed off one of the Pittosporums, dead leaves raked up and saved for the compost, dead leaves pulled, tired plants cut back, seeds planted (trying carrots), seedlings nurtured (Lobelia erinus).   Roses, still to be admired.

And a Happy 13th Birthday to Boris and Natasha, seen here very sleepy and not inclined to do anything but go back to sleep:

One of the virtues of 'Yves Piaget' is that the color it displays as it is about to fall apart is just as lovely as the color it displays when it first opens.  Different, but equally beautiful.

Old 'Yves' doesn't get blotchy:

New 'Yves':
Also no blotchiness from 'Moondance' with 'Firefighter' and a bit of Eucalyptus 'Moon Lagoon' foliage:
Up on the west side slope again to chop down a flower stalk from a 'Blue Glow' Agave. The flowers were finished.   

More enjoyment of the Tagetes lemonii, too:

The flower stalk was removed from the Agave on the left:

The flower stalk happened to have quite a few bulbils on the top:
More than a few, actually:

I've already got stashes of  'Blue Glow's from previous blooms tucked here and there in the garden:

Good grief, I'm a 'Blue Glow' hoarder.  Seems a shame to throw them out, though.  Today at a garden center  gallon sizes examples were going for $39 apiece.  

I'm not about to feed them to gophers, though.   

Elsewhere in the garden, there is Eriocapitella I didn't manage to eradicate last fall that needs re-eradicating. 

The autumn colors of many-months-old and several-weeks-old Hydrangea flowers are there to contemplate:
And Parthenocissus foliage, too:
Do you have a plant you have too much of, but it seems a shame to toss (or compost) them all? 


  1. I propagate too much, so always end up with too many plants. Nothing as cool as Agave Blue Glow though. The trick is connecting up with the people who want the plants. Some of the extras I trade in at a local nursery for store credit. Maybe you could do something similar? I also take a few to plant exchanges. I still end up with lots of extras, more than I can plant and more than I can give away. I've grown more accustomed to composting any remainders.

    1. Some good ideas, thanks! Luckily they are slow growing.

  2. Congratulations to Boris and Natasha (and you too of course)! Agaves can make gardening extra challenging - I'm having trouble pulling grass weeds with deep roots between them myself. The bounty of 'Blue Glow' pups is a good-bad thing. I've still got pups on hand as well, and this weekend I noticed that the plant that bloomed last year is now producing another bloom stalk out its side. (I cut the original stalk down but didn't remove the plant because it remained in good shape.) The pups are relatively slow to grow.

    1. B&N say "Wooo wooo". :)

      I use metal tongs to pull weeds around Agaves. I dig in the tong-tips enough to get the roots of the weed. That works pretty well.

  3. Nothing is coming to mind, but I know I feel regret tossing things into the compost - so there must be? Dang, your roses are really the prettiest I've seen. The color change on Yves is really dramatic, looks like a totally different rose. Mostly importantly, Happy Birthday to Boris & Natasha!

    1. 'Yves' has a fabulous fragrance, too. :)

      B&N are not puppies anymore, but they still have fun. They say "Wooo wooo!"

  4. Ha! A 'Blue Glow' hoarder! Their health and growth are impressive. Beautiful blooms and foliage throughout this post, and of course the Roses are favorites--I will click back through to view them again. Happy Birthday to Boris and Natasha!

    1. It's nice to know there's another rose aficionado out there--lately roses seem so "out", so unfashionable these days. Thank you!

      B&N say "Pet me feed me now now!" (they say that to everyone).

  5. Oh, look, you made a vase arrangement! Very nice. Kudos for adding Eucalyptus foliage: its perfect.

    Can there be too much of a good thing? (I say: no).
    Agave Blue glow is amazing and a favorite. I'd keep as many as would fit in the garden and then some :-D

    1. I grow them better than I arrange them! I do love me them 'Blue Glow's, but would need a bigger garden to fit them all.


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