
 Hydrangea, aging and faded, still lovely

 It was bad here, though not the horror that has taken place in Pacific Palisades, Altadena, Malibu, and other areas.   All of Southern California is in shock.  

We had terrible wind and the electrical utility shut off power to many areas, including ours.  So not only roaring wind and the threat of fire, but no coffee, internet, light.  We're extremely lucky here--we still have a house.  The garden is a smashed up mess, but we still have a garden.  So many have lost everything.  More wind tonight, tomorrow, Monday...we keep our fingers crossed and our hopes up.


  1. It is heartbreaking to see but I'm glad to hear that you are okay. I just can't imagine...

    1. Beach houses burned to the ground. Beach houses! A grocery store--a concrete block building surrounded by asphalt and concrete--burned! It's unimaginable. Until now.

  2. Oh dear, it has been awful, hasn't it? I've been praying for elderly relatives who live in S. Pasadena. So far, as much as I know, they haven't had to evacuate, but folks in nearby Pasadena and, of course Altadena, have had to evacuate and have had terrible damage. Take care!

    1. So many have been effected. Your family there must have been dealing with terrible smoke not to mention the stress. We're staying alert and watchful, the wind is howling again.

  3. Such a frightening experience for everyone. Channelling positive thoughts your way. Keep safe.

  4. I pray you get a break in this weather and a chance to get some control back. It's unimaginable yet right there for you to see, and I wish you all the best in getting through this.

    1. Thank you. We're so lucky, so far. So many in Southern California in a terrible situation now or worse. The forecast is a break from the wind 16th and 17th, then more.

  5. I'm so sorry about all that devastation and for the people experiencing it. I hope you don't become of the victims.

    1. Thank you. It's awful. Los Angelenos the 3rd generation in their home, and now their home, entire neighborhood now gone, some neighbors killed in Altadena and Pacific Pallisades. The driest Fall/Winter on record, the worst winds in more than a decade.

  6. I'm glad you're ok. It's such a tragedy, watching the news with a heavy heart.

  7. You and I are lucky indeed. The Palisades and Eaton fires remain awful, although the others are contained or nearly contained. My brother calculated that he is now less than 2 miles from the warning zone for the Palisades fire, an indicator of just how far its spread from its start on Tuesday.

    1. Incredibly lucky. Best wishes to your brother to get through this.

  8. Having been checking my Feedly for you and Kris. Relieved to hear you are all safe so far.

    1. Thank you. It's a huge disaster for California. Another round of wind 16th-18th forecast.

  9. The first night of the fire, last Tuesday, was windy here in Long Beach but nothing excessive, just leaves blown around. Air quality hasn't been bad the last couple days. But we're not out of the woods yet. Stay safe!

    1. No, a long way through these woods yet. Hoping the bread crumb trail doesn't lead to a wolf :(

  10. Thinking of you and Kris Hoov. I wish that wind would blow in some rain-needs to come in from another direction. I was so relieved when we got our first measurable rainfall in early November -I can't even imagine dry lasting til January.

    1. Thanks--driest Oct through now in the historical record. Keep thinking rain, and hoping at least the rest of the state gets more.

  11. I'm not one to cry over the news, but seeing those pictures of walls of bright orange fire and the blocks of nothing but gray ash, and the maps laying out the magnitude of the areas, tears just started crawling down my face. All those neighborhoods, all those pieces of Old California, all those homes, all those displaced people, and all those people who died. So incomprehensible, so horrible. I am happy that you and your beloved, and B&N, are well and safe, and far away from the devastation. That cistern that you wanted when you first moved in, and the builder thought you were nuts? Not so much. The winds picked up here this evening. It's January for goodness sake. This nonsense should have ended in November. That it hasn't is terrifying. That the fires aren't just attacking the back country, but also densely packed cities and the beach — the beach! — is also terrifying. It is, indeed, a brave new world. Take care of yourselves. Elizabeth

    1. Agree, agree. The houses burned right on the sand, surrounded by PCH and concrete, and they still burned to the sand--a whole new level of nasty. Best wishes back at you, Elizabeth.

  12. It's been years since I've been blogging and following blogs, but I wanted to check in and make sure that you're OK. Wishing you the best, Karen from Spain

    1. That was so kind of you! Thank you! We were very lucky here--it was horrible in Pacific Palisades and even worse in Altadena. Best wishes to you in Spain--we all have challenges these days.


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