Tree #1, above
Tree #2, below:
I heard a mechanical roar out in front of the house, and the pups, startled by it, started barking. Then a text from the people across the street saying "I told them not to block your driveway." Umm...huh? I went out front.There were eight or nine workers, one big truck, one huge truck, and a whole lot of several diesel fuel being burned. At least the driveway wasn't blocked. The workers, trucks, and diesel were delivering a tree to the property across from us. This tree, in a 36" (48"?) box:The big truck had a big crane to lift the tree:
The crane lifted the tree over the house, to the area behind the house:
It's a native oak, Quercus agrifolia. I had plenty of sprouted acorns they could have had in exchange for the patience to help one grow. No diesel fuel and no nine guys required. Faster isn't necessarily better.
Tree #2: Last week I finally planted the Hakea laurina up on the slope. Requirements were me and a shovel. I hope the Hakea will grow.
More of the Narcissus planted last fall emerged on the slope and there are a few more flowers. While up there, I pulled a few weeds. There are lots of Lupines and they get big enough to hide weeds, allowing the weeds to reseed. That is the drawback of Lupines.
In-ground Hippeastrum x 'Apple Blossom' waking up: Species Amaryllis (Hippeastrum?) papillio opening:
'La Paz', a hybrid based on Hippeastrum cybister:
This one is 'Christmas Star'
Hellebores have more muted colors. Hellebore 'Blushing Bride':
Hellebore 'Penny's Pink' (maybe?):
Hellebore 'True Love':Hellebore 'Picotee Pearl':There it is again. Sorry. I'm still besotted by the variegated Farfugium:
The garden smells like Freesias and Orange blossoms. A lovely bonus.
How old is your oak now? As I recall it's already quite large :) The Farfugium is fetching and I'm envious of your hellebores. Mine still put on on a rather poor show.
ReplyDeleteThe Oak was an acorn in 2011. Still a baby as oaks go. They can live 300-400 years, though of course the one in our garden is vulnerable to all sorts of things and will not survive that long.
DeleteHellebores take several years to really get going, I have discovered.
If I can grow Hakea laurina surely you can too. It survived several mornings in the high 20's and 25+ inches of rain. And now I'm intently staring at your variegated farfugium. Did you actually find that for sale in SoCal ?
ReplyDeleteBut can you grow Acacia 'Cousin Itt'? I've killed yet another.
DeleteMy experience is if drainage is sharp, most of the SA/Aussie Proteaceae will take lots of water, and want it if in a container. I had a happy, thriving Banksia--and it suddenly died an instant death. Plus I (or the garden) killed a Hakea petiolaris. Once bitten...
I found the Farfugium locally--I'm trying to remember where. Plant Depot in SJC, or, yes, believe it or not, Armstrong's. I know I've seen them at Plant Depot. I've still got the container with label--will have to check it but it's 4 in the morning so that will have to wait.
A local gardening friend has a huge patch of the plain green Farfugium thriving in her garden, and it was there when she bought the property. Old house, so the Farfugium has likely been there for decades. That prompted me to try.
The scents of freesia and orange blossom are far superior to diesel. Great your neighbors have planted a native oak but tough for a big tree like that to get established. Hope it survives. The 'Christmas' amarylis is striking. Love the vibrant contrast.
ReplyDeleteAnother property owner down the road put in four 60" boxed Q. agrifolias about a decade ago. One has died--the others look poorly and continue to struggle. I feel bad for those trees.
DeleteI looked it up, finally--I think it's "Christmas Star'.
DeleteThat is a lot of fuss for a tree. I can't imagine! Now if it was a crane to place some huge boulders in the back I'd be down! I hope Hakea laurina is happy in the new spot. They've been easier for me to keep alive than petiolaris. Your blooms are lovely, and ahead of mine of course :)
ReplyDeleteYes a lot of fuss and cost for a tree you can get for free. H. laurina easier than petiolaris? Good to know, thanks! Boulders...that's a nice thought!
DeleteI've always wondered who buys trees that big and how they're moved, now I know. May your hakea love it's location and thrive.
ReplyDeleteSomeone who is not a gardener.
DeleteThanks! I hope the Hakea does well--yet another plant for the hummers!
Beautiful flowering and growing "things" in your garden and home. :) How fascinating--the process of transporting, lifting, and planting the tree. It does seem "over the top." [sorry for the pun]
ReplyDeleteBwaahaaha! No, that's the perfect pun!!! Brava! I only wish I'd thought of it myself.